April 29, 2019

5 Things You Can Do Right Now ... For Free

Living sustainably and ethically often sounds expensive and out of reach for those of us on a tight budget, but it's not! You don't have to install solar panels or double your grocery budget to make a difference. Here are five simple changes you can make today without spending any money. In fact, you might save some!

1. Bring your own mug.

If you often buy coffee or tea when you're out and about, take a travel mug with you or keep a clean one in your cup holder. Even better, let some coffee percolate or tea steep while you get ready and grab it before you head out the door. Don't have a travel mug? Check the thrift store before looking for a brand-new one.

2. Use a rag.

Paper towels are super convenient, but they're also super wasteful. Keep ratty old towels, washcloths, and (cut-up) t-shirts in a drawer, box, or other location that's easily accessible. Use them for spills, dusting, cleaning the bathroom ... whatever you normally use paper towels for.

3. Keep a container in your car.

I almost always need a box when I eat at a restaurant, and too many times that box is made of foam or plastic. The solution? Keep a container in the car! I've heard you can also use your own containers for takeout if you mention it when you order, but I haven't tried that yet. Have you? Let me know in the comments!

4. Say no to single use.

When the waiter drops a handful of straws on your table, do you automatically grab one? Instead, when your waiter reaches inside their apron pocket, politely tell them you don't need straws. If the restaurant has paper napkins in dispensers, only take one (and just one!) if you need it; don't grab several "just in case." And when stopping by an ice cream shop, choose a cone - you'll avoid the use of both a cup and a spoon. Addicted to sundaes? Bring your own spoon!

5. Turn it off.

You've heard before that you should turn the lights off when you leave a room. Take it a step further: If you go into a room just to grab something - or even to use the toilet - and that room has a bright window, think about whether you need to flip the switch to see. You can also turn off the water, not only when you're brushing your teeth, but while you soap up in the shower. What else can you turn off?

April 22, 2019

Happy Earth Day, and Welcome!

It is fitting that Earth Day directly follows Easter this year. Yesterday we celebrated new life, and today we celebrate creation. I also thought it a fitting day to launch a new sustainable and ethical living blog. So, no matter who you are or where you find yourself today, welcome to Enough.

Enough is a blog about living abundantly while treading lightly on - and even nurturing - the earth. Posts will typically cover practical, everyday topics like waste-free grocery shopping, reducing plastic in the kitchen (and around the home), natural cleaning, and conserving electricity and water. There will even be the occasional "ecofiction roundup" - a list of recommended books along with mini reviews.

Why Enough? Speak it with exasperation, frustration, anger: Enough pollution. Enough violence. Enough destruction. Speak it with temperance: Enough food. Enough clothes. Enough stuff. Speak it with the joy of abundance: I have enough. There is enough. I can do enough.

It is easy to fall into despair in the face of food grown with poisons, wars over finite resources, plastic filling the oceans, and species disappearing. But there is still beauty and hope to be found, and even if you feel that radical change is beyond your control, everyone can do something, and little things add up. It is enough.

April 2, 2019

Coming soon!

Blog coming soon! Tentative launch date: April 22 (Earth Day). In the meantime, follow the blog using your favorite method in the sidebar to get notified when the first post is published!

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